There is a myth prevailing in most of the people that Ayurvedic medicines need diet restrictions always.
Ayurveda considers that treatment starts from the food which is responsible for the disease in most instances.
” Aaharam maha bhaishajyam “
This means Food is the best medicine. If you eat some foods which aggravates your disease like acidity patients eating spicy food. Here acidity spatients are restricted to use spicy food irrespective of whether you are using Ayurvedic medicines are not. Ayurveda advocates these types of recommendations.
Ayurveda has many types of medicines like
i) Shamana, Shodana
ii) Herbal and Rasa oushadhis
iii) Ushna and teeksna etc
Each and every type of their own recommendations and restrictions, these are called ” Pathya and Apathya ” in Ayurveda.
Very few medicines have drug based restrictions and nowadays many doctors are not using such strong medicines especially in out patient.
Yoga has many shades that can take a lifetime to master, but if you don’t aim to be a yogi, you can be trained on your own and develop a routine for yourself that works how you need it.
Tree pose opens the hips and strengthens the legs and the bones of the hips. It improves concentration, alertness, and neuromuscular coordination.