
“Prof, Dr.Krishna Kishore Alisetty, M.D(Ayurveda) has 25 years of health care industry exposure. He did his post graduation in Shalya tantra after securing national level rank.
His Research was in management of Diabetic ulcer by Leech Therapy. He treated more than 6000 ano rectal diseases. He was one of the first persons who started Leech therapy. His works in Leech therapy are out standing. Undoubtedly he is the most experienced doctor (more than 10000 therapy sessions) in Leech therapy.”

“Dhruva Ayurveda is established with an aim of providing most effective and safe solutions to present day health challenges of the world from the most oldest, in other words most experienced system of medicine known to mankind.”

Nourish your whole self – mind, body and soul. Whether you are just searching a solution to your disease, or seeking to enhance your health, we are here for you.

“Prevention is better than cure.” This is the best mantra of health management. Ayurveda advocates many principles related to weather conditions, seasons and different climates to manage and preserve health.

Our Facilities

Dhruva Ayurveda is your one-stop Ayurvedic hospital, maintained by highly qualified and experienced doctor and staff.

  • Modern, clean, beautiful panchakarma therapy rooms
  • Powerful automatic steam generators and chambers
  • Ksharasutra theatre
  • Dedicated Leech therapy unit
  • In house medicine preparation
  • Experienced and well trained staff.

Guiding Values

Whether you are just starting out on your journey to becoming a yoga student, or seeking to enhance your yoga skills, we are here for you.


Let everyone be happy, everyone be free from disease.


Preserving the health of healthy persons and alleviating the disease


“Patient first” is our policy. We treat the persons visiting our hospital with utmost care and concern.


we are a team of highly educated professor and well experienced doctor and institutionally qualified and experienced staff.